Forever Gifts Catholic Foundation of Eastern PA

During his homily on Divine Mercy Sunday (4/16/2023), Deacon Chris Kinsella shared a powerful message of renewal to the congregation attending the 9 AM Mass at St. Thomas More Church in Allentown, Pennsylvania.  He said if we choose to believe, Easter, and the days following it, provides all of us with a fresh start – a new beginning to practice our faith.

It is an intentional spring cleaning of our heart, mind, and soul.

Most people love getting rid of clutter—whether it be unnecessary items, thoughts or actions. People open the windows of their homes to let stale air out and fresh air in. It feels good to get your life in order and start fresh.

A forever gift can have the same effect.  A forever gift is a planned gift taken one step further. By making an intentional decision to leave a legacy—a forever gift—to the endowment fund of your favorite Catholic cause, the gift lives on forever.  It’s a powerful way to spring into action and create a positive impact on your parish, school or ministry. One that will last far beyond your lifetime.

It’s easy to make a forever gift that will create future income for your favorite Catholic cause.  It can be a gift in a will, a beneficiary designation from an IRA, insurance or investment account, or memorial gifts.  

We encourage you to put forever giving on your Spring “To Do” List.   Check out the information on our website and contact us.  We would be happy to talk with you and your trusted financial advisors, so your forever gift is structured to have maximum impact and tax benefits for you and your heirs.

We look forward to meeting with you and your advisor and discussing how the Catholic Foundation can help you start fresh and invest in forever.

With warmest regards,
Pete Waldron
Pete Waldron
[email protected]

The gift of forever | Catholic Foundation of Eastern PA

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