How Endowment Funds are InvestedHow endowment funds are invested is of the highest importance to us. The Catholic Foundation works with The Concord Advisory Group Ltd. as its investment advisory service, a group with many years of experience working with religious non-profit organizations. Management fees are reasonable and comparable or lower than similar types of community foundations.

The Foundation Board, in conjunction with its investment advisory firm, has established an investment policy to guide the investments of the Foundation’s funds. The policy targets a long-term annual return of approximately 7%. All funds are invested in accordance with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ guidelines.

Distributions are based on a three-year average of the assets in each endowment fund. The Catholic Foundation’s goal is to distribute 5% annually to the beneficiary organization. Endowment fund partners have the option of taking their entire distribution, a lesser amount, or none at all and rolling it over.

More About the Catholic Foundation Funds

How endowment funds are invested impacts the Catholic causes our donors support. An endowment can honor or memorialize a loved one, establish a lasting legacy of faith, or support the donor’s chosen organization or cause. Because an endowment is designed to grow and last in perpetuity, it makes it possible for a donor to ensure long-term, everlasting financial support to a chosen cause. Types of endowments include: