- David Bosich, Parishioner and Donor at Holy Family Parish, Nazareth
The Catholic Foundation helped me realize my dream of helping youth in our parish. By starting the Youth Ministry Endowment Fund now, I could see the impact while I was still alive. By also including the endowment fund in my will, as a beneficiary for my insurance and investments, and as a preference for memorial gifts, the impact for your in the future will live on forever.
- Michael and Christine Ippoliti, Parishioners of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Bethlehem
Knowing the impact Catholic education had on our lives, Christine and I wanted current and future OLPH students to have the same opportunity.
I quickly discovered that the Catholic Foundation’s independent professional approach, investment expertise and passion for helping Catholic parishes and schools remain viable cannot be matched by any other organization in our region.
The establishment of this donor designated fund will ensure the long-term financial sustainability of Our Lady of Perpetual Help School and keep Catholic education available to all.
- Bill Kirwan, Chairman of the Nativity HS Board of Directors, Pottsville
It made sense for Nativity High School to open these funds with the Catholic Foundation. The board is considering establishing other scholarship endowment funds to keep the cost of tuition affordable for our families.
(more…) - Father Jerome Tauber, former Pastor, St. Theresa’s Parish, Hellertown
An endowment fund with the Catholic Foundation is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
St. Theresa’s Parish was blessed a few years ago to receive a generous gift from one of our parishioners to help support our school. After careful consideration and discussion with our parish finance council, we decided to create an endowment fund with the Catholic Foundation. We could have easily spent it — but it would have been gone after a year.
With an endowment, the original gift, and subsequent gifts from others, would grow with prudent investing. Each year we would receive a distribution — usually about 5 percent — to support the Catholic education of the youth in our parish. We decided to create a second endowment fund to support general parish operations.
Some important factors led us to the Catholic Foundation. The investment returns were favorable and better than what we earning in a 1% savings account. The funds are part of a larger pool and allow us access to better investment vehicles and lower fees for a quality investment program.
But more importantly, we knew that our investments would be aligned with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Foundation follows a morally responsible investment policy with Catholic values in mind.
St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Roman Catholic Church in Hellertown, PA - Monsignor Robert Wargo, Pastor Emeritus, St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Orefield
When the Catholic Foundation started five years ago, I saw it as an opportunity to ensure the financial future of our parish. After careful study and with the consideration of our parish finance council, we started a general parish endowment fund in 2014 to provide a source of present and future income to support parish programs and activities.
We are fortunate that we had very generous donors who also saw the importance of investing money in an endowment to guarantee that their initial donation would grow and provide income into perpetuity. With an endowment, the principal is held intact and can grow with prudent investing, while still providing disbursements quarterly or annually.
Like me, these donors also saw the benefits of putting money with the Catholic Foundation: morally responsible investment management, lower fees, independence, and the assurance that their initial intent will be honored.
The value of our endowments has grown with a better than average return and also because of additional donations made to the principal, through bequests, gifts, and proceeds from some of our fundraising efforts, like the annual motorcycle ride.
St. Joseph the Worker Church and All Saints Chapel in Orefield, PA - Bob Buck – ACCHS Green & Gold Fund Treasurer
We immediately saw the value of transferring the assets of Allentown Central Catholic’s Green & Gold (G&G) Fund to the Catholic Foundation. It made sense to move the Green & Gold Fund into the Catholic Foundation. With access to a broader investment portfolio, our fund will earn a better rate of return, grow faster and work harder to support educational programs at Allentown Central Catholic High School.
- John F. Horrigan Jr. – John Paul II
As long time supporters of The John Paul II Center for Special Learning in Berks County, my dear wife Peggy and I had discussed the possible establishment of an endowment fund for the school. Following Peggy’s death, I was pleased to establish the John Paul II Center for Special Learning Endowment Fund in her honor with the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Pennsylvania knowing the endowment fund will provide financial assistance to the students of John Paul II to reach their God given potential for many years to come.
- Tom and Amy Scalici
“I have spent my career managing a prudent investment process for retirement plans, institutions and individuals. Every Catholic institution needs funding so they may remain sustainable over the long run. An endowment fund with the Catholic Foundation provides consistent annual funding that will support an organization perpetually. Over time, the gift will grow which means the annual amount distributed to them will grow accordingly.
In my involvement on various boards, I felt that it is important to lead by example. So my wife Amy and I felt it was important to start the Scalici Family Fund to support three Catholic causes into perpetuity: St. John Vianney Regional School, Mercy School for Special Learning, and Catholic Charities.”